
Communication is the heart of a business. Customers want to feel heard and understood. At Konfiday, we show you how to strategically attract your ideal client, understand how to keep them as loyal customers, and turn them into referral sources. Know the incredible power of words.


Purpose is a driving force for successful businesses. Communicating that purpose clearly increases employee engagement, customer engagement, brand reputation, and business performance. 

When a business has a clear sense of purpose, it becomes a directional True North for the business. All decisions are made with Purpose as the determining factor.

The business vision, mission, message, and purpose is what makes the brand the brand customers want.

Clearly articulate purpose throughout the organization. Let team members understand how they contribute to making that purpose a reality. Savvy businesses make a point of putting team members in the right seat on the bus.

Purpose definition


Unblock, unlock, and unleash potential! There’s nothing worse than unrealized potential. The graveyard is said to be the richest place on earth because some of the best ideas in the world are buried there. 


When a business has a bullet proof action plan build on vision, mission, message, and purpose, it is positioned for high performance. The Predictive Method™  – a proven system to get results,  gives businesses a unique competitive advantage. We help business create strategic communication plans that garner buy-in from all team members and set goals that move the profit needle.

High Performance